How loyalty programs could be beneficial for sellers?
Key takeaway:
Loyalty programs are not only beneficial for customers but also for sellers. They provide sellers with an ability to identify, target and encourage customers. They also provide them with repeat business from the customers and give them a chance to connect with them.
What is a loyalty program?
A loyalty program is one of the most commonly used business strategies by businesses to attract customers. They are a way to offer rewards, discounts and incentives to customers as a way to attract or retain them. The idea behind the loyalty program is to recognise loyal customers and reward them for their contribution.
While a loyalty program could be a greatly rewarding experience for customers and could help an organisation in increasing turnover, it just makes sense to see what’s in store for sellers with respect to these loyalty reward programs, as sellers are the most important pillar of commerce.
Benefits of loyalty program for sellers:
When it comes to an e-commerce platform, sellers are equally important if not more, than the customers. They are like the two wheels of a bicycle, without any one of them the e-commerce website cannot function.
There has been immense talk about how beneficial loyalty program is for customers. It has been already established that Loyalty programs are used to retain loyal customers and encourage them to do business with the company repeatedly. Nonetheless, it is also significant to understand how sellers, the other integral part of an e-commerce business, get affected by it.
The main benefit of a Loyalty reward program for sellers is that it brings repeat customers to them, help them in gathering data about customers and increases the possibility of referrals.
Incentivising loyal customers is always a good idea. Not only does it boost confidence in the brand, but it also serves as a bond between the seller and the customers. It promotes familiarity and raises customer trust.
There are lots of benefits that an e-commerce platform can provide its sellers, such as good exposure, great reach, faster processing and many more. It is important to understand that sellers are the assets of an e-commerce platform and the most important one of all and the reward program of the e-commerce platform too can inadvertently help sellers.
British D’sire and its loyalty program: How beneficial is it for sellers?
We at British D’sire make sure that our sellers’ interest remains our top priority which is why our marketing strategies are personalised according to our sellers.
We understand that it is not easy for sellers, especially start-ups and SMEs to have all the resources that can be used to attract customers. British D’sire tends to provide its sellers with various resources in the form of social media exposure, advertising assets, TV exposure and guidance.
The British D’sire Loyalty Rewards Program intends to increase customer interest, which is ultimately beneficial for sellers of British D’sire. The data received by customers will be an added advantage for sellers as it will help them in market segregation and positioning their products according to the target market.
Nonetheless, the loyalty reward program acts as a tool to promote customer retention, build on their loyalty, influence their buying behaviour and increase the revenue of the sellers. Building on our aim of inspiring local vendors and SMEs, we believe that this loyalty program will help them to engage more customers and thereby increase their sales.
Interested in knowing more about our Loyalty Reward Program? Check out the User Guide here.
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